Gonotec Osmomat 030 Cryoscopic Osmometer
An updated version of the Gonotec Osmomat 030 Cryoscopic Osmometer is available with option 3P that allows calibration with water and two further adjustable calibration points, creating a more reliable and accurate standard curve.
Osmometry calibration standards (300 mOsmol/kg and 850 mOsmol/kg) are available, as well as 100 and 500 mOsmol/kg, providing a greater range. A reference standard at 290 mOsmol/kg is also available and can be added mid-measurement.
The osmometers offer sample volumes as small as 50 µL making extreme osmotic strength measurement possible, as well as sample times of less than 60 s. The calibration is all performed automatically. The instrument is microprocessor controlled with display and storage of the result via a PC or printer connection.
The Gonotec Chloridmeter is also available, with the ability to take vital sweat measurements for cystic fibrosis testing.
Phone: 1300 425 529
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