Michrom Bioresources appoints ProteoMass
ProteoMass picks up new mass spec, chromatography agency [ + ]
The ins and outs of therapeutic cloning
Loane Skene will discuss the legal and moral debate over therapeutic cloning at an international meeting in Cairns next week. [ + ]
Big ideas, brilliant minds
Highlights of who's heading to Melbourne for the annual Deakin Lectures. [ + ]
High throughput sequencing from Roche
Roche installs a Genome Sequencer FLX system in Australia. [ + ]
Unnatural selection
In 2000-2001, the four-million-odd cows making the NZ dairy herd were screened for their milk composition by ViaLactia. One cow, Marge, was thoughtfully purchased for $300 when it was found that her milk was particularly low in saturated fat
[ + ]Underwater living possible with clean energy
In an effort to prove that an adult could live underwater in an environmentally friendly way, Lloyd Godson developed and lived in the world's first self-sufficient, self-sustaining, completely submerged home
[ + ]Stem cells: back to the future
As the NSW Parliament debates therapeutic cloning, the hunt for alternative sources of pluripotent stem cells is on. [ + ]
Beckman Coulter launches the RAPTRs
Beckman Coulter will introduce the new BioRAPTR and PicoRAPTR flying reagent dispenser (FRD) workstations to the Australian market later this year. [ + ]
Growing nerve cells in 3-D affects gene expression
When it comes to growing cells in a lab, technique matters. [ + ]
Pooling resources to improve siRNAs
US company Dharmacon, now part of Thermo Fisher Scientific, achieved a major breakthrough in RNAi technology by reducing off-target events. [ + ]
Research or development?
According to a report released by the Department of Industry Tourism and Resources which was prepared by Antonio Balaguer, Steven Playford and Ian Tranter of the Innovation Division, R&D expenditure by industry is not a stable and predictable beast.
[ + ]Sensor technology
A sensor being developed by a Sandia National Laboratories research team is claimed to be able to simultaneously detect thousands of biomolecules on a single platform.
[ + ]Book review - Membrane proteins
Zehra Elgundi reviews Structural Genomics on Membrane Proteins. [ + ]
Independent review: Structural Genomics on Membrane Proteins
This is a recommended reference for research laboratories involved in the study and expression of recombinant proteins. [ + ]
Medicinal Plants of Asia and the Pacific
This book discusses every important class of natural products. [ + ]