BOC HiQ Environmental Standard gas mixtures

Saturday, 01 May, 2021 | Supplied by: BOC Limited

BOC HiQ Environmental Standard gas mixtures

Gas mixtures are unique to application and industry requirements. HiQ gas mixtures are formulated by BOC’s experienced technical team so that the gas mixture is fit for each user’s particular purpose. BOC’s HiQ Environmental Standard gas mixtures are designed for laboratory applications such as air quality research, measuring stack emissions and environmental emissions testing according to the US EPA protocol.

Typical components include nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, with mixtures made to the specifications required to meet local environmental regulations or research needs. The gas mixtures are used daily to ensure emissions compliance from energy and chemical producers, while also being used to verify air quality results across Australia by state environmental bodies.

The traceability chain for HiQ Environmental Standards is sound, providing users with a high level of quality assurance and compliance to US EPA-600/R-12-531 G1 and G2 procedures for the Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards. Mixtures are created in BOC’s special gases facility in accordance with ISO 17034.

For more information:

Phone: 131 262
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