RedShift Bio HaLCon Analyser for on-demand protein titre measurements
Protein titre measurements are a key parameter to monitor bioprocess reactors, but until now obtaining them has required sending samples for analysis by HPLC, often requiring many hours or even days before results are returned. Now, users without chromatography experience can get the titre measurements they need on-line or at-line in minutes, generating actionable results and optimising the utilisation of the bioreactors. This allows for more efficient use of resources and can lead to cost savings.
The HaLCon Analyser is an advanced, fit-for-purpose, liquid chromatography platform designed to provide protein titre results equivalent to traditional protein A, HPLC with a faster and easier platform method. The analyser integrates seamlessly into any bioprocessing suite without disrupting existing workflows or equipment and requires no chromatography expertise.
The HaLCon Analyser fills a key gap in the tools available to scientists and technicians in bioprocess development and manufacturing, allowing protein titre to be measured routinely and easily. It makes it possible for users without advanced HPLC training to obtain an equivalent protein titre measurement in under 5 min right at the point of need, allowing for efficient use of bioprocess reactors and freeing up valuable HPLCs and highly trained analysts to run more complex experiments.
For more information:
Phone: 02 9541 3500
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