Shimadzu Prominence preparative HPLC system

Tuesday, 08 February, 2011 | Supplied by: Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (Oceania) Pty Ltd

Shimadzu Prominence preparative HPLC system

The Prominence preparative HPLC system is claimed to enhance the most important aspects of separation and purification - purity results, preparative processing speed and cost effectiveness.

Starting the scale-up processes from the analytical column size and performing these processes with the same instrument helps reduce the consumption of mobile phase solvent and sample as well as operational training costs. In addition to handling both analytical and preparative isocratic elution, the flow channels can also be configured to handle both analytical and preparative gradient elution.

The recycle separation (closed loop recycling) method enables the reintroduction of eluate bands containing the target components eluted from the separation column, making it possible to achieve the same result as would be achieved by lengthening the column. Reducing the internal volume of the solvent delivery unit enables the creation of a high-efficiency system with a number of theoretical plates exceeding one million.

Multiple solvent delivery units handle a wide range of flow rates, enabling the system to easily scale up to high-volume preparation.

Various pumps are available: LC-20AT supports a wide range of applications from high-precision analytical to semi-preparative flow rates (up to 10 mL/min); LC-6AD supports semi-preparative and recycle preparative flow rates (up to 20 mL/min); LC-20AP high flow rates (up to 150 mL/min) enable efficient, large-scale preparative fractionation.

The FRC-10A liquid chromatograph can be used over a wide range of flow rates, covering small and large-scale preparative work. It adapts to various applications, such as simple manual preparation performed while viewing chromatograms, and automated continuous preparation performed in combination with an autosampler.

Sample systems include: large-scale preparative system for laboratory use that enables automated continuous preparation with a maximum flow rate of 150 mL/min and a preparative column with an inner diameter of up to 50 mm. It is also possible to consider the separation conditions and load, and evaluate the purity of the fractionated liquid using the analytical column.

Also, the semi-preparative recycle system enables recycle preparative work with a maximum flow rate of 20 mL/min and a semi-preparative column with an inner diameter of up to 20 mm. Recycling elution results in cost-effective separation and purification.

From simple systems based on manual injection and isocratic elution to automated systems based on auto sampler injection and gradient elution, semi-preparative systems suited to a specific purpose can be created. Systems based on the LC-6AD can handle columns ranging from analytical columns to semi-preparative columns with inner diameters of up to ~20 mm. Systems based on the LC-20AT can handle columns ranging from semi-micro analytical columns to semi-preparative columns with inner diameters of up to ~10 mm.

Phone: 02 9684 4200
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