Beckman Coulter CESI 8000 System for Biologics Characterization

Monday, 26 May, 2014 | Supplied by: AB Sciex Australia Pty Ltd

AB Sciex has introduced technology called CESI-MS, enabling biopharmaceutical scientists to predict efficacy, reduce the time to market for therapeutics and detect potential issues before they lead to product recalls.

CESI marks a combination of capillary electrophoresis (CE) and electrospray ionisation (ESI) technologies. The workflow includes an ultralow-flow separation and ESI module for biologics, along with a high-performance, high-resolution, accurate mass instrument that is suitable for biopharmaceutical development. 

The CESI 8000 System for Biologics Characterization is a separation-electrospray ionisation system for mass spectrometry (MS). The technology can be integrated with the AB Sciex TripleTOF 5600+ mass spectrometry system into a seamless solution.

The product is said to provide orthogonal and/or superior results compared to dual-method liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry-based approaches. From a single digest and run, users gain the following: identity and purity information with 100% coverage in a peptide map; heterogeneity information with ultrasensitive glycopeptide quantitation; stability information identifying, deamidation, cyclisation and oxidation.

The technical benefit delivered by the innovation is an improvement in biophysicochemical characterisation to guide the development of biologics-based therapeutics. CESI-MS serves to improve ionisation efficiency and reduce ion suppression.

Phone: 1300 62 7777
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