CWE respiratory gas monitoring for small animals
The monitoring of expired gas is an important indicator of the physiological health of experimental animals. CWE offers a range of gas analysers for different respiratory physiology applications.
The CapStar-100 end-tidal CO2 analyser is suitable for the routine monitoring of CO2, providing continuous measurement of expired CO2 over the range of 0–10%. Its rapid response time, small sample flow requirements and long-term stability make it suitable for respiratory gas measurement of rodents and larger animals.
The microCapStar CO2 analyser is specifically designed for very small animals, providing end-tidal or continuous measurement of expired CO2 in animals as small as mice. It features low sample flow requirements, rapid response time and long-term stability. Respiratory rate (RR) is computed using the excursions of the CO2 waveform. The CO2 and RR measurements, as well as a trend plot of the end-tidal values, are displayed on the LCD screen.
The GEMINI Respiratory Monitor features both CO2 and O2 measurement, as well as RR measurement. Measuring breath-by-breath O2 and CO2 concentration, it has long-term stability, linear output voltage, adjustable CO2 and respiratory rate alarms. It is also suitable for rats and larger animals.
The products are suitable for hypoxia and control-of-breathing studies. They can be used in conjunction with a CWE ventilator.
Phone: 03 9480 4999
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