Image-Pro Plus version 6.0 offers an abundance of image processing and analysis capabilities to increase accuracy and automate research, development and quality processes. This major version release of Image-Pro Plus includes a number of new image analysis tools along with support for Windows XP x64 operating systems.
Version 6.0 provides a streamlined acquisition interface that makes it simple to capture quality images. This version release also includes a dynamic auto-range feature for optimised image views as well as user-defined live scaling for low-light acquisition. Image-Pro Plus version 6.0 also provides sophisticated tools for exploring images in three dimensions. The software includes voxel-based 3D filters for use with 3D volumetric, time-lapse and other 3D image sets. A built-in OpenGL 3D viewer allows for interactive 3D volume rendering.
A number of advanced image analysis tools are available including analysis features and colour management tools for achieving true colour fidelity, the ability to classify over 100,000 objects per image frame and tools to export data via DDE to statistical programs like Origin and Microsoft Excel.
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