Polar compound column

Monday, 06 April, 2009 | Supplied by: Waters Australia Pty Ltd

Waters has an addition to its line of XBridge analytical columns. The XBridge HILIC Columns provide improved retention of very polar compounds that are otherwise difficult to retain by traditional reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography.

Hydrophylic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) offers several benefits over reversed-phase liquid chromatography columns for those performing LC/MS analyses on very polar compounds. For example, the columns offer across-the-board increases in MS sensitivity — up to 10- to 20-fold depending on the method — because of their compatibility with organic-rich mobile phases which promote more efficient compound ionisation and mobile phase desolvation in the mass spectrometer.

Additionally, by eliminating the need for an evaporation and reconstitution of the sample, the number of samples that can be analysed in a given period is increased.

Finally, XBridge HILIC columns are based on BEH technology and offer the same selectivity as Acquity BEH Columns, allowing scientists to scale their HPLC separation to UPLC, without selectivity differences between the technology platforms. Compared to silica columns, BEH technology columns offer greater pH flexibility and extended column life.

XBridge HILIC columns are available in 5.0, 3.5 and 2.5 µm particle sizes.

The XBridge family of HPLC columns is designed for flexibility in HPLC methods development. Robust separations can be developed in less time and with confidence allowing chromatographers to fully use the power of pH.

Other members of the XBridge family of analytical and preparative-scale HPLC columns include XBridge C18, XBridge Shield RP18, XBridge Oligonucleotide Separations (OST), XBridge Phenyl and XBridge Prep columns.

Online: www.waters.com
Phone: 02 9933 1777
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