Restek Raptor SPP LC columns and guards

Tuesday, 14 January, 2014 | Supplied by: Leco Australia Pty Ltd

Superficially porous particles (SPP or ‘core-shell’ particles) dramatically boost column efficiency and reduce analysis times. With Raptor LC columns, Restek chemists have combined the speed of SPP with the resolution of highly selective USLC technology. The chromatographic column is said to allow the user to more easily achieve peak separation and faster analysis times without UHPLC instrumentation.

Raptor LC columns provide the practising analyst with powerful tools for fast, efficient method development and increased sample throughput. The first phase to be rolled out is the Biphenyl, which will be followed by a full suite of selective USLC phases.

Biphenyl is said to be a popular LC stationary phase because it is adept at separating compounds that are hard to resolve or that elute early on C18 and other phenyl chemistries. As a result, the rugged column is useful for fast separations in bioanalytical testing applications like drug and metabolite analyses, especially those that require a mass spectrometer (MS). Increasing retention of early-eluting compounds can limit ionisation suppression, and the heightened selectivity also helps eliminate the need for complex mobile phases that are not well suited for MS detection.

Phone: 02 9894 5955
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