Thermo Scientific Anionic Pesticides Explorer
Anionic polar pesticides, such as glyphosate, are widely used in agriculture, but the difficulties associated with their analysis using LC-MS/MS-based methods have contributed to the infrequent monitoring of these pesticides in the global food. Thermo Fisher Scientific has now developed an IC-MS/MS analytical workflow to enable food testing laboratories to overcome the challenges associated with LC-MS/MS analysis of polar anionic pesticides in complex sample matrices.
The Thermo Scientific Anionic Pesticides Explorer is a high-throughput, sample-to-result, IC-MS/MS-based analytical workflow, comprising the Thermo Scientific Dionex Integrion High Performance Ion Chromatography system coupled with the Thermo Scientific TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole MS, for the multi-residue detection, identification and quantification of anionic pesticides at low concentrations in complex food matrices. It is an out-of-the-box, easy-to-implement workflow that allows food safety laboratories to increase monitoring and throughput for quantitation and identification of multiple anionic pesticides in a single analysis.
The system is said to offer food testing laboratories enhanced chromatographic retention, resolution and sensitivity with modified Quick Polar Pesticides Method (QuPPe) sample preparation protocol for a wide range of matrices. It offers a fully documented, ready-to-run workflow supported by a system-suitability test and detailed guidance documents to enable optimum performance during routine operation according to EU SANTE method performance criteria.
Phone: 1300 735 292
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