Thermo Scientific EXTREVA ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor
Laboratories performing environmental, food and biopharmaceutical testing can now increase productivity, reduce errors and minimise personnel time and solvent use with the Thermo Scientific EXTREVA ASE Accelerated Solvent Extractor — an all-in-one automated chromatography sample preparation system. The product can automatically extract and concentrate analytes of interest from solid and semi-solid samples — such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) or pesticides — in a single instrument, eliminating manual sample transfer for a walk-away sample-to-vial workflow.
The system can also perform four sample extractions and concentrations in parallel, improving sample throughput and laboratory productivity. Manual intervention is reduced by a factor of three, in some cases, allowing users more time to focus on value-added tasks. Analytical labs extracting from solid or semi-solid matrices can pair the sample prep instrument with gas chromatography (GC), GC-mass spectrometry (MS) or liquid chromatography (LC)-MS systems.
Traditional sample preparation for chromatography with solid or semi-solid samples is labour-intensive, prone to errors and can stifle lab productivity. Even with current automation solutions, the process can involve time-consuming manual navigation of multiple instruments. Streamlining workflows allows users to reduce manual sample preparation steps from hours to minutes, thereby increasing their productivity, minimising errors and reducing solvent use.
Phone: 1300 735 292
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