Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid LC-MS system
The Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid LC-MS system enables users to quickly and positively identify large numbers of low-abundance proteins. Its architecture enables simultaneous precursor isolation, fragmentation and data acquisition in both the Orbitrap and linear ion trap mass analysers.
Attributes include: a quadrupole for precursor selection at isolation widths down to 0.4 amu for good sensitivity and selectivity, an ultrahigh-field Orbitrap offering resolution in excess of 450,000 and scan rates up to 15 Hz for good selectivity and speed of analysis.
An ion routing multipole, followed by dual-pressure linear ion trap, provides MSn HCD, CID and ETD fragmentations and fast, sensitive mass analysis with scan rates of up to 20 Hz. Synchronous precursor selection enhances the instrument’s signal-to-noise performance.
Phone: 1300 735 292
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