Bio-Rad KnowItAll software version 8.3
Version 8.3 of the KnowItAll software includes AnalyzeIt spectral interpretation applications for IR, Raman and IR polymer compounds. With this release, users can improve spectral interpretations by building the knowledgebase of functional groups and corresponding bands from their own data to use in conjunction with the software’s built-in knowledgebase.
This feature will ensure that users can obtain the best spectral interpretation possible for unknown samples using IR or Raman spectroscopy.
It is particularly useful to those in the polymer and other industries where the compounds analysed are proprietary ones whose functional groups may not be included in the commercial KnowItAll knowledgebases. By building an additional knowledgebase with an organisation’s own functional group moieties, the interpretation becomes as precise as it can be for unique compounds.
AnalyzeIt helps chemists interpret the spectra of chemical compounds. The researcher begins the spectral interpretation by loading an unknown spectrum and clicking on a peak of interest. AnalyzeIt then compares this peak to its knowledgebases of likely functional groups occurring at that peak position. The researcher can then visually compare the regions of all peaks associated with each proposed functional group to their unknown spectrum and evaluate how well they match. The user can then recursively build an interpretation profile for that compound by examining additional peaks and tagging the most likely functional group candidates that best describe the compound. This method of analysis can be used successfully alone or with other methods of spectral identification such as searching spectral libraries in the KnowItAll system.
The KnowItAll informatics system is a fully integrated chemistry software and database package that provides scientific researchers multiple tools, including database building and management, search, analysis, structure drawing and reporting all within a single user interface.
Phone: 02 9914 2800
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