3M Petrifilm Aqua Plates have been developed specifically to meet the needs of beverage manufacturers. The bacteria test can be used to detect four of the most common contaminants in drinks: heterotrophic count, coliform, yeast and mould and enterobacteriaceae.
This product is an alternative to agar petri dishes. The traditional approach of manufacturers using their own agars or purchasing pre-made dishes produces excessive waste and requires large investment in employee time and refrigeration space.
The plates provide a reliable and simple way to test product safety, saving beverage bottling companies time and money.
The plates are easy to use and offer quality assurance professionals the opportunity to streamline their testing process.
The main users for the plates would be the bottled water industry but the product will also be of benefit to makers of soft drinks like teas and carbonated drinks.
Extensive validation work has found that the plate performs well with a membrane filter placed on it.
Now beverage manufactures can test both product as well as environmental samples such as bottling and filling equipment with a standard, simple method.
Phone: 02 9808 3735
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