Abcam tissue clearing kits and reagents for 3D imaging
Abcam’s tissue clearing kits and reagents enable easy and rapid clearing for 3D imaging of tissues and cell culture models.
Traditionally, 3D imaging of thick tissue sections and 3D cell culture models (organoids, microtissues, spheroids) has presented many technical challenges, including laborious and time-consuming tissue processing, layer-by-layer 2D imaging of thin sections and in silico 3D reconstruction. By contrast, tissue clearing reagents can expedite detailed 3D imaging by reducing the need for these steps, while providing a true reflection of biological structures.
Developed with Visikol’s HISTO technology, Abcam’s tissue clearing kits use simple protocols and standard laboratory equipment, and are compatible with immunostaining, fluorescent protein and chemical dyes. Clearing is also reversible, for conventional H&E or IHC staining following 3D imaging.
To facilitate the set-up and use of the tissue clearing kits, a selection of recombinant antibodies for key markers (Neun, S100 and Iba1) have been validated for use with the kits. Tissue clearing reagents can be purchased as part of a kit or as individual products, for greater flexibility.
Phone: 1800 960 553
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