Affymetrix USB High-Throughput ExoSAP-IT reagent
Affymetrix USB has developed High-Throughput (HT) ExoSAP-IT for enzymatic PCR cleanup. Specifically designed for the requirements of high-throughput automated platforms and multichannel pipettes, such as those found in pathology and molecular diagnostics testing facilities, the reagent has both a longer lifetime at higher temperatures and a decreased viscosity for robotic pipetting.
Like the original ExoSAP-IT for PCR product cleanup, HT ExoSAP-IT is a formulation consisting of Exonuclease I and recombinant Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (rSAP), which removes excess primers and dNTPs following a PCR reaction in a single incubation. rSAP offers a more robust enzyme with higher specific activity than alternative alkaline phosphatases.
Phone: 03 9771 3700
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