ChromoTek GmbH Nanotraps reagents for studies of fluorescent proteins
ChromoTek GmbH has developed a class of efficient immunochemicals, Nanotraps - a format of binding proteins that are very small, highly stable and offer good reliability.
These robust and versatile tools for biochemical analyses are suitable for a multitude of analytical and preparative applications, eg, purification of fusion proteins for proteomics, immune fluorescence detection or ELISA studies. They are good for chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP).
Nanotraps are claimed to be superior to conventional antibodies due to several factors: no lot-to-lot variations, easier handling and up to 70% shorter assay times. Incubation times range from 5-30 min. Other features include: quantitative isolation of fusion proteins and transiently bound factors; low non-specific binding; no contaminating heavy or light chains of conventional antibodies.
GFP-Trap specifically binds to eGFP derivatives such as GFPS65T, YFP or eYFP, while RFP-Trap pulls down various monomeric red fluorescent proteins derived from DsRed, eg, mRFP1, mCherry, mOrange, mPlum and mRuby and RFP-tagged fusion proteins.
Phone: 02 9484 0931
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