Personal environmental monitors
The MSP Corporation Model 200 Personal Environmental Monitor is a lightweight personal sampler for collecting airborne particles in the PM2.5 and PM10 size ranges. PM2.5 and PM10 particles are airborne particles less than 2.5 and 10 µm, respectively. They are frequently used to provide a measure of airborne particle concentration for studying potential health effects of airborne particles in the indoor or outdoor environment.
The aerosol sample enters the Model 200 through a multi-nozzle, single-stage impactor to remove particles with aerodynamic equivalent diameter larger than 2.5 or 10 µm in diameter. Particles smaller than the impactor cut size are collected on a 37 mm diameter filter of choice. The collected particles can be analysed gravimetrically to determine the airborne particle mass or analysed for specific chemical compounds.
The units have applications in exposure assessment, indoor and outdoor air pollution studies, air quality assessment and personal sampling for industrial hygiene applications.
Phone: 02 4323 7822
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