ASTM standard supports greener chemicals in consumer products
ASTM International has released the new standard E3027, Guide for Making Sustainability-Related Chemical Selection Decisions in the Life-Cycle of Products. The standard will enable manufacturers and regulators to determine whether the most sustainable chemicals are being used for consumer products, thus encouraging the use of such chemicals.
Michael Schmeida, the chairman of ASTM’s Committee on Sustainability (E60), said the standard provides guidance on how to perform an analysis of alternative chemicals. An example is the analysis of flame retardants in children’s bedding — an important consumer safety concern.
Schmeida said there is a need for companies to have a structure to evaluate their products in meeting overall green chemistry goals, while ensuring that products also meet other requirements. He explained, “The analysis in the new standard helps set the overall context of how green chemistry tools, such as assessment of alternatives and risks, can fit into the overall product development scheme within an organisation.”
The standard can be purchased at Interested parties are also invited to join the continuing evolution of the standard.
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