InProcess-LSP NanoFlowSizer for measuring particle size inline without sampling or dilution

Monday, 01 July, 2024 | Supplied by: ATA Scientific Pty Ltd

InProcess-LSP NanoFlowSizer for measuring particle size inline without sampling or dilution

Currently, nanoparticle size is determined through established offline methods like dynamic light scattering (DLS). Samples taken from ongoing processes are usually high-concentration nanosuspensions which require dilution prior to analysis. Consequently, these offline measurements can cause production delays and may require laborious, expensive, complex and error-prone sample handling.

Spatially Resolved DLS (SR-DLS), used by the NanoFlowSizer, allows for inline size characterisation of nano-emulsions. This non-invasive, online approach can measure particle size distributions (PSDs) of undiluted, highly turbid nanosuspensions, in process and in flow.

The spatial resolution allows automated selection of information-rich single scattered light from strongly scattering turbid nanosuspensions. The NanoFlowSizer can continuously monitor particle formation and determine the size and polydispersity index (PDI) at any point during particle synthesis. Importantly, the quality, purity and particle size characteristics can be quickly monitored (every 10 s), allowing for in-depth interpretation, understanding and continuous improvement of processes.

SR-DLS can measure inside any container as long as light has a path to access and illuminate the suspension. This means that samples can be measured inside their native containers: syringes, sealed bottles, vials, ampoules and even IV bags.

The NanoFlowSizer is a compact system that can be easily deployed and relocated via a dedicated trolley. Able to be installed for inline, online and offline operation, it offers several benefits in nanoparticle research and development, industrial processing and quality control environments, giving instant performance and quality feedback for full control to reduce batch rejections.

As research groups focused on drug delivery continue on their journey into developing more targeted therapeutics and vaccines with fewer side effects, NanoFlowSizer can provide high-quality results as an integral part of PAT and quality by design, critical to their success.

For more information:

Phone: 02 9541 3500
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