IUL Eddy Jet 2W Spiral Plater for sample inoculation

Thursday, 01 December, 2022 | Supplied by: Capella Science

IUL Eddy Jet 2W Spiral Plater for sample inoculation

Perform spiral inoculations with the automated IUL Eddy Jet 2W Spiral Plater, a validated spiral plating system designed to deliver precise threefold dilutions on each plate; for spiral plating method validation, see ISO 7218/AOAC 977.27/FDA (BAM Ch.3). The innovative technology unifies diluting and plating, streamlining the process with no cross-contamination.

The Eddy Jet 2W uses patented, sterile, single-use Microsyringes that are discarded after each inoculation, eliminating cross-contamination, washing protocols and potential errors while delivering consistent results. The spiral plater’s cutting-edge stepper controller motor regulates the Microsyringe liquid dispensing and distribution pattern, based on user protocol.

Benefits to the microbiology laboratory may include a reduction in the number of serial dilutions and petri dishes, reduction in inoculation and colony counting procedure time, reduction in cost per test and use of broader petri dish diameters. With no requirement for bleach disinfection, users can proceed to incubation and colony counting.

The Eddy Jet 2W’s intuitive interface, 18 cm colour touch screen, icons layout and custom protocol guide users to set up in just a few minutes. Plate traceability can be achieved through barcode reader, keyboard and printer connectivity.

Agricultural, environmental, food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic microbiological laboratories are set to benefit most from the use of a spiral plater for bacterial determination. The technology is designed to accelerate efficiencies in throughput, accuracy and reproducibility, enabling users to focus on results.

For more information: http://www.capellascience.com.au/iul/.

Online: www.capellascience.com.au
Phone: 02 9575 7512
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