Malvern Instruments Morphologi G3-ID image analyser for particle size and shape
During the manufacture of blends, the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) needs to be monitored to ensure it maintains it potency and homogeneity. Differences seen in particle size and shape may result in potential performance issues. Manual microscopy and visual identification of the active particles within a blend can be time-consuming, subjective and inaccurate, all of which can lead to increased manufacturing costs by wasting company time and resources.
The Morphologi G3-ID from Malvern Instruments combines automated static imaging with chemical identification of individual particles using Raman spectroscopy in one platform. Integrated dry powder dispersion automates sample preparation for repeatable and reproducible measurements of both fragile and robust materials. The software enables simple operation with automatic selection, targeting and chemical classification of thousands of individual particles.
Malvern’s recent application note describes how the combination of automated image analysis with Raman spectroscopy in the Morphologi G3-ID can be applied to increase both the accuracy and robustness of these types of measurements by chemically identifying and isolating the particles of interest within a topical cream formulation. Differentiation of morphologically similar APIs was achieved through Raman analysis.
Phone: 02 9541 3500
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