Malvern NanoSight nanoparticle characterisation system
The Malvern NanoSight series provides an easy-to-use, reproducible platform for nanoparticle characterisation. Users can quickly characterise nanoparticles from 10–2000 nm (sample dependent) in solution. Each particle is individually but simultaneously analysed by direct observations of diffusion to produce high-resolution results.
As well as particle size distribution and concentration, protein aggregation and viscosity can be analysed while a fluorescence mode provides detection of labelled particles. Other benefits include: minimal sample preparation; user-friendly software with easy set-up of SOPs for routine use; visual validation of results; and the option of automated multiple sample analysis when used with a syringe pump or autosampler. The product is suitable for polydisperse systems.
The Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis book reviews the first 1000 applications of the technique. This includes several chapters on exosomes and microvesicles, looking at cancer studies and research into blood, pregnancy and therapeutic potential, along with other applications.
For more information, visit
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