Vaisala GMP80P portable carbon dioxide probe with pump sampling

Monday, 01 July, 2024 | Supplied by: Vaisala Pty Ltd

Vaisala GMP80P portable carbon dioxide probe with pump sampling

Vaisala’s CARBOCAP portable carbon dioxide probe with pump sampling, called the GMP80P, combines intelligent CO2 measurement with pump-aspirated sampling functionality. The robust and portable measurement device is designed for use in demanding applications such as life science incubators, where stable, reliable and accurate performance is required. It is suitable for CO2 sampling from incubators, spot-checking fixed CO2 transmitters and sampling from areas otherwise difficult to access.

CO2 measurement data can be monitored with the compact Vaisala Indigo80 handheld indicator connected to the GMP80P. The indicator can be used for short-time logging of measurement data, as well as for calibrating and adjusting the probe.

The product has a measurement range of 0–20% CO2 and an operating temperature range of 15–40°C. It offers easy CO2 sampling through standard incubator sampling ports and has stainless steel pipe and plastic tube options for sampling. Compatible with the Vaisala Indigo80 handheld indicator and Insight PC software, it offers good long-term stability and has a calibration certificate included.

To learn more, visit the website or contact Vaisala’s Melbourne office (email or phone +61 3 9815 6700).

Phone: +61 3 9815 6700
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