The IKA C 200 Calorimeter system is a space-saving combustion calorimeter for determining gross calorific values of liquid and solid samples. It is an entry level model, featuring a clear display and is easily operated manually, with manual handling for water and oxygen filling. It is suitable for learning and teaching purposes, including schools, universities, and industrial laboratories.
The product has been validated according to DIN 51900, ISO 1928, ASTM D240, ASTM D4809, ASTM D5865, ASTM D1989, ASTM D5468 and ASTM E711. It includes an external power pack from 100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz. The operating voltage of the calorimeter is 24 V DC low voltage.
The system consists of a measuring cell, decomposition vessel, oxygen filling station and consumables for calibrations and installation. The decomposition vessel can be equipped to use a combustible crucible (attachment is necessary). Another accessory is user-friendly Calwin software for controlling the calorimeter and administration of measuring data, enabling the transfer of data to Excel or Word. Up to eight of the company’s measuring cells can be controlled by a single PC, using a multi-serial plug-in card PCI 8.2 accessory.
There are four different working methods for different operating tasks. The modes, and their measuring times, are: isoperibolic (17 min), dynamic (8 min), time controlled (14 min) and manual (17 min, depending on user). In manual (teaching) mode, ignition and end of the measurement will be done by the operator; the temperature increase will be indicated at the display each minute. All calculations have to be done manually. For the other three modes, ignition and calculation of the gross calorific value will be done automatically and the gross calorific value will be shown on the display. Acid corrections and calculations of the net calorific value have to be done manually.
Phone: 0011 60 3 6099 5666
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