Algae monitoring

Monday, 10 August, 2009 | Supplied by: Bestech Australia Pty Ltd

The bbe Modaenke AlgaeTorch allows rapid measurement of toxic algae in water used for drinking and recreation purposes. The handheld device allows a measurement of total algae and blue-green algae, the most common source of toxic blooms. There is a display on the instrument so users can instantly assess whether there is a health risk in water to be used for drinking, swilling, skiing etc, rather than needing to wait for laboratory test results.

The device also logs a record of the time and algae concentration, which can be downloaded later for a permanent record. It can be lowered on a rope or extension handle to achieve a depth profile of algae concentration. Pressure readout and turbidity measurement are also available as options.

Phone: 03 9540 5100
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