The sterility control of food product can be monitored using the QMI Tru-Test aseptic sampling system.
The sampling system includes an aseptic sampler that enables users to quickly monitor sterile product for contamination. Samplers are easily installed at many points in either process lines or tanks, whether it is beverages like milk or a pharmaceutical product.
Microbial contamination can occur at any time in any processing plant. That’s why continuous monitoring is so important.
The effectiveness of any sterile process monitoring program is only as good as the quality of the samples. QMI’s system ensures aseptic process sampling while virtually eliminating the risk of introducing new contaminants to products, processes or samples.
Samples obtained by the Tru-Test system help monitor for and determine the source of microbial contamination from malfunctioning valves, airborne contaminants, cracked tanks, ineffective pasteurisation and ineffective cleaning procedures.
Phone: 02 9808 3735
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