There is growing need for laser sources that operate in the visible spectrum, due to applications such as photodynamic therapy, multiphoton imaging and the development of nanoparticle technologies. The Chromacity 520 ultrafast laser system provides more than 500 mW in the visible region.
The product features an air-cooled, compact, ultrafast ytterbium fibre-based laser delivering high performance with turnkey operation. The instrument provides a fixed 520 nm output at a power of 500 mW to 1 W and is essentially a frequency-doubled version of the company’s flagship 1040 nm laser, the Chromacity 1040.
The laser system also provides the option to deliver dual output at 520/1040 nm from a single unit and is a useful source for a wide range of nonlinear optics, microscopy and spectroscopy applications. The system delivers <250 fs pulse width, which makes it suited to a wide range of photonics and imaging applications. For microscopy, the laser light can be split between more than one microscope set-up.
Machined from a single block of high-grade aluminium, the laser system has been designed specifically to deliver ultrashort pulses. This has been brought about, in part, by fully integrating the pump source and removing the need for water cooling. An intuitive web-based user interface allows for easy control of the system; this relaxes the constraints of having to be near the laser system to use it. The standard model operates at a pulse repetition frequency of 100 MHz, making it easy to integrate with a range of diagnostic equipment.
Phone: 03 9480 4999
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