Edmund Optics TechSpec Fused Silica Wedge Prisms

Monday, 27 February, 2012 | Supplied by: Edmund Optics Singapore Pte Ltd

TechSpec fused silica wedge prisms have good surface characteristics, making them suitable for UV to NIR beam steering applications. They provide a low coefficient of thermal expansion and high transmittance from the UV to the NIR.

There are a range of beam deviation options available. The prisms can be used individually to deviate a laser beam by a specific angle, or in pairs for beam steering applications.

Two wedge prisms can be used as an anamorphic pair for beam shaping (to correct the elliptical shape of diode outputs). Alternatively, a pair of wedge prisms can steer a beam anywhere within a circle described by the full angle 4T, where T is the deviation from a single prism. Beam steering is accomplished by rotating the two wedge prisms independently of each other and is typically used to scan a beam to different locations in imaging applications.

Online: www.edmundoptics.com
Phone: 0011 65 6273 6644
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