Grace Bio-Labs CS16-CultureWell Removable Chambered Coverglass

Monday, 05 August, 2024 | Supplied by: Sapphire Bioscience

Grace Bio-Labs’ CS16-CultureWell Removable Chambered Coverglass is a 16-well chambered coverglass cell culture vessel, with a 2 x 8 format with standard 96-well plate volumes and well spacing. The inert, non-cytotoxic silicone gaskets permit complete edge-to-edge growth of cells and form a leakproof seal between the polycarbonate upper structure and borosilicate coverglass. The product is sterile and ready to use.

The chambered coverglass allows high-resolution imaging in the same vessel used for cell culture. Coverglass removal is facilitated by using a simple, single-piece device that separates the parts without the need for excessive force or risk of coverglass breakage.

Cell growth characteristics are optimal due to the use of inert silicone materials and manufacturing process. Well spacing allows the use of multichannel pipettes for ease and speed of handling. Black well gaskets reduce light scatter, enhancing fluorescence applications, and can be easily removed from the cover glass for mounting. Silicone well gaskets leave no residue and remain attached to the cover glass after separation, allowing wells to be used as reagent reservoirs.

Phone: 02 9698 2022
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