High-temperature XRD system

Monday, 06 April, 2009 | Supplied by: PANalytical

PANalytical has released a capillary extension that is compatible with the combined X’Pert Pro MPD/HTK 1200N High-Temperature Oven Chamber (Anton Paar) system, creating a ‘two-in-one’ reflection and transmission high-temperature XRD system.

The capillary extension uses PANalytical’s PreFix concept for easy integration, transforming the HTK 1200N high-temperature oven chamber into a capillary heater for transmission XRD between 25 and 1000 °C. Conversion between standard geometry for flat samples and the capillary set-up can be carried out in minutes, without removing the oven chamber from the goniometer.

Temperature data are saved in XRDML format for further processing using the X’Pert Data Collector software, which controls all measurement routines.

Uniform controlled temperature, together with straightforward capillary handling and alignment and a scan range of 1.5 to 88 °2θ makes the system suitable for a wide range of applications.

Online: www.panalytical.com
Phone: 02 8700 2700
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