Texture analyser

Monday, 06 April, 2009 | Supplied by: SI Instruments

The TMS-Pro System provides precise, objective and repeatable measurements of the texture of food products.

Parameters such as firmness, stickiness and hardness are established numerically and graphically for ease of communication and comparison to product specifications. These characteristics are determined by measuring the resistive and reactive forces of product samples during the application of controlled stresses, such as compression, shearing, extrusion, puncture, bending or other deformations.

With a capacity of 2500 N (250 kg) in compression and tension, the system is suitable for tough applications.

The system comes complete with the Texture Lab Pro software package for Windows and a 2500 intelligent load cell. A range of test cells, probes and fixtures is available.

Online: www.si-instruments.com
Phone: 08 8352 5511
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