Abraxis Yellow Azo dye/Tartrazine ELISA kit

Wednesday, 06 June, 2012 | Supplied by: United Bioresearch Products Pty Ltd

Abraxis Yellow Azo dye/Tartrazine ELISA kit

Many foods contain Yellow Azo (Tartrazine) dyes in varying proportions. The dyes have been linked to asthma attacks and hives in children, as well as thyroid tumours, chromosomal damage and hyperactivity. Due to such sensitivities and intolerances, there is a growing trend to avoid these dyes or substitute them with a non-synthetic or natural substance.

The Abraxis Yellow Azo dyes ELISA is an immunoassay for the quantitative and/or qualitative detection of Yellow Azo dyes. The kit allows for the determination of 41 samples in duplicate. Only a few mL of sample are required and the test can be performed in less than 2 h.

The test is a direct competitive ELISA based on the recognition of Tartrazine and related compounds by specific antibodies. Yellow Azo dyes, when present in a sample, and a Tartrazine-enzyme conjugate, compete for the binding sites of rabbit anti-Yellow Azo dyes antibodies in solution.

Online: www.unitedbioresearch.com.au
Phone: 02 4575 0309
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