Bio-Rad Laboratories S3e Cell Sorter
The S3e Cell Sorter is an automated cell sorter with real-time monitoring and smart features equipped with up to two lasers and four fluorescence detectors plus forward-scatter and side-scatter detectors. The compact system, with dimensions of only 70 x 65 x 65 cm, includes onboard fluidics and a temperature control system.
Among the many innovations of the S3e Cell Sorter, two key advancements are ProDrop Technology and the AutoGimbal System. ProDrop Technology simplifies and automates drop delay calculation and droplet break-off monitoring through direct counting of bead events, producing precise results. The AutoGimbal System automates alignment of the nozzle tip and stream to optics by combining picomotor fine motion positioning, imaging and software for hands-free alignment at all points on the stream and consistency in stream position from day to day.
The system is suitable for sorting cells expressing fluorescent proteins or for cells labelled with fluorescent markers excited by the 488, 561 and 640 nm lasers. The cell sorter provides good sort purity, recovery and yield without compromising performance and sensitivity.
For more information:
Phone: 02 9914 2800
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