Bio-Rad Trans-Blot Turbo blotting system
The Trans-Blot Turbo is a rapid transfer system for Western Blotting that delivers efficient transfer of proteins from PAGE gels to blotting membranes. The flexible design, high-transfer efficiency and higher throughput of the system enables researchers to obtain optimal, reproducible results quickly and easily.
The system has a compact cassette design with the capacity to transfer up to four mini gels or two midi gels simultaneously. The cassettes are easy to assemble and independently controlled so users can start transfers at different times with the same transfer protocol. The system contains a platinum anode and a stainless steel cathode that are re-usable and easy to clean. The onboard software has rapid preset protocols that can also be customised or transfer conditions can be manually set and new protocols stored.
The system can accommodate traditional blotting consumables or the ready-to-use Trans-Blot Turbo transfer pack for fast transfer in 3-7 min. The transfer pack includes the membrane preparation and buffer for ease of assembly and convenience with reduced waste and disposal costs. This set-up also delivers linear transfer over a broad range of protein sizes (5 kD -200 kD) including efficient transfer of large molecular weight proteins.
Phone: 02 9914 2800
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