Enzo Life Sciences Corticosterone ELISA kit
Corticosterone is a glucocorticoid secreted by the cortex of the adrenal gland. It is produced in response to the stimulation of the adrenal cortex by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and is the precursor of aldosterone. Corticosterone production has been shown to increase with stress, with elevated corticosterone levels being associated with impairment of long-term memory retrieval and following burn injury. In addition to stress levels, corticosterone is believed to play a decisive role in sleep-wake patterns.
Enzo Life Sciences’ highly sensitive Corticosterone ELISA kit is a colorimetric competitive enzyme immunoassay kit, featuring a high throughput format with results in 3 h for up to 39 samples in duplicate. The product enables sensitive measurement of corticosterone, detecting as little as 27 pg/mL. Absorbance is read at 405 nm.
Featuring low cross-reactivity with related steroids, the kit is species-independent and can be used for animal stress research, such as in zoo animals. The broad dynamic range makes the kit suitable for a wide variety of sample matrices from any species.
Phone: 02 9698 2022
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