GeneCopoeia Luc-Pair Luciferase Assay 2.0 Kit
The Luc-Pair Luciferase Assay Kit 2.0 kit is optimised for long-range linearity of both firefly and Renilla luciferase signals. It is suitable for studying the interaction between precursor miRNA clones and miTarget 3’UTR target clones.
Firefly and Renilla have similar signal intensities over an extended period of time, translating to invariable ratios and less data normalisation. However, the kit can be used for measuring reporter activity of any gene of interest. Due to its enhanced stability, it is versatile enough to measure the inhibitory effect of a miRNA on a target sequence.
The system is designed to yield linear results for a concentration range over several orders of magnitude, making it suitable for high-throughput applications. The two-step assay is optimised for plate readers without an auto-injectable system.
Key features include: enhanced stability, as luciferase activity remains greater than 80% for 30 min after addition of the enzymatic substrates; good flexibility; high sensitivity in a large dynamic range; suitability for any mammalian cell line; low background luminescence; good reproducibility due to a long-lasting signal; ease of use, with little hands-on time and quick results.
Phone: 02 4575 0309
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