Invent Biotechnologies Minute Plasma Membrane Protein Isolation and Cell Fractionation Kit
Invent Technologies Minute kits are next-generation products for plasma membrane (PM) isolation and cell fractionation, offering convenience and consistency by eliminating uncontrollable variations associated with traditional homogenisation and density gradient centrifugation, including two-phase partitioning.
The Minute Plasma Membrane Protein Isolation and Cell Fractionation Kit allows cells/tissues to be first sensitised by buffer A before passing through the proprietary filter in a zigzag manner when high-speed centrifugal force is applied, resulting in a cell lysate containing ruptured cell membranes and intact nuclei. As a result, nuclear contamination is virtually eliminated. PM is further separated from the cell lysate (a mixture of crude membranes, intact nuclei, cytosol proteins and organelles) by subsequent differential and density centrifugation with a regular tabletop microcentrifuge.
Five distinct cell fractions (total membrane, PM, cytosol, nucleus and organelles) can be obtained. The procedure can be completed in less than 45 min, and the yield is typically 10–500 µg/sample. The materials provided are sufficient for 50 extractions.
Phone: 02 9698 2022
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