BioVision’s Jade One-Step QRT PCR Kit offers end users an efficient, easy-to-use alternative to the conventional ‘two-step’ sequential qRT-PCR. The kit contains all the necessary reagents for both reverse transcription and PCR amplification to occur in a single qPCR reaction tube.
The kit contains a QRT PCR Enzyme Mix and a Jade QPCR Master Mix. The enzyme mix contains stabilisers and enhancers to optimise the two reactions in a real-time ‘single step’. Gene-specific primers must be used along with the kit.
The product utilises a mutated recombinant M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase which exhibits limited RNase H activity. RNaseOFF Ribonuclease Inhibitor and an RTase additive are blended into the RTase’s storage buffer to protect the RNA template from degradation and to improve the fidelity during reverse transcription. The chemically modified Hotstart Taq polymerase, included in the Master Mix, reduces non-specific PCR amplification observed with regular Taq polymerase. The user-friendly one-step/single-tube set-up minimises the chance of introducing human error and contamination.
Phone: 02 9698 2022
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