Promega has launched the Maxwell CSC instrument and integrated reagent kits for blood DNA and DNA FFPE. The solutions have been developed in compliance with the FDA’s Quality System Regulation and are intended as in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices. Complying with these stringent requirements ensures consistent performance between instruments and runs.
The technology extracts nucleic acid using novel paramagnetic particles, allowing optimal capture, wash and elution of the target material. Because there are no tubes or pipette tips involved, there are no clogs, drips, splashing or aerosols, reducing any contamination risk. Depending on which specific CSC kits are used (for blood or FFPE tissues), the instrument can purify DNA from up to 16 samples in under 45 min of processing time, providing high-quality nucleic acids appropriate for downstream analysis in amplification-based assays.
The system’s Windows 7-based touch-screen interface provides laboratories with the ability to easily track samples, instrument self-check reports, kit lot number and expiration dates, and operator usage, and to document parameters and protocols.
Phone: 03 9818 1466
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