TTP LabTech Mirrorball laser-scanning microplate cytometer
TTP LabTech has announced the Mirrorball, a high-sensitivity, laser-scanning microplate cytometer for antibody discovery. Developed by an in-house team, the cytometer is set to fill a role in the antibody discovery process by rapidly and reliably performing mix-and-read, cell- or bead-based assays. In essence, this instrument offers a simple and easy solution to automated hybridoma screening and will not require the reworking of existing protocols.
Mirrorball addresses one of the unmet needs of laser-scanning instrumentation - that of high sensitivity. It also has simultaneous laser scanning that will enable multiplexing, resulting in higher throughput single pass scanning.
The instrument is available in three upgradeable configurations; the highest specification will have dual laser excitation (488 and 640 nm), four fluorescence data channels and a single laser scatter channel.
The laser scatter channel enables label-free object recognition independent of fluorescence, which can be combined with concurrent collection of fluorescence data for greater sensitivity in multiplexed assays.
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