Waters VICAM Fumo-V ONE lateral flow strip test for mycotoxin detection
The Fumo-V ONE, part of Waters’ VICAM portfolio, is a quantitative lateral flow strip test to detect fumonisin in finished feed and pet foods in the range of 0.5–30 ppm.
Fumonisin is one of the most prevalent mycotoxins worldwide, known to cause life-threatening diseases in horses (equine leukoelcephalomalacia) and swine (porcine pulmonary edema), and has been linked to human oesophageal cancer as well as liver and kidney diseases. With contaminated feed being subject to recall, media events and legal action, it is important that animal feed and pet food manufacturers can ensure product safety in the processing environment.
The strip tests eliminate the complexity and technique-dependent procedures which are common with traditional methods and eliminate previous limitations of lateral flow strip tests for testing complex finished products, such as feeds. The tests take just 10 min from sample to result, to dramatically reduce total test time, and use water for extraction, helping to improve safety and sustainability for onsite testing.
The strip tests enable the ‘big 3’ mycotoxins (aflatoxin, fumonisin and DON) to be monitored on the spot during feed production, moving quality management upstream and helping to ensure that products are safe to ship and consume. Users can obtain actionable results for complex finished feeds quickly, removing the need to wait for lab results and enabling timely decision-making on finished product release using up-to-date data.
Phone: 02 9933 1777
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