Wyatt Technology DynaPro Plate Reader II
Wyatt Technology has announced the launch of an upgraded version of its DynaPro Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Plate Reader. The first DynaPro Plate Reader automated the DLS process - which previously required analysts to manually measure samples one after another - allowing for the collection of more data in less time, with less effort and greater accuracy.
The DynaPro Plate Reader II includes the addition of an onboard camera capable of acquiring images of each well. The camera enables the collection of clean and easily interpretable images, as well as providing valuable insights into the optimal conditions for each sample. The system also offers an expanded temperature range, enabling measurements from 4 up to 85°C for greater flexibility in protein melting and aggregation analyses.
The product has been designed to provide high levels of ease of use, productivity, reproducibility and flexibility for demanding applications in the fields of formulation, stability, crystallography, vaccine development, compound aggregation, nanoparticle characterisation and any field in which determination of molecular or particle size and size distributions is valuable. It is compatible with hundreds of industry-standard well plates in 96,384 or 1536 well formats.
The system contains a stable, temperature-controlled enclosure that is free from dust, providing a suitable environment for performing exacting and reliable DLS measurements. In addition, the system can be fully operational and efficient even when not all of the wells of a plate are filled. The same samples can also be analysed multiple times without having to empty and refill the wells, allowing for significant time savings.
Equipped with inexpensive disposable well plates, the product eliminates the need for cleaning costly quartz cuvettes following each sample analysis to prevent contamination. Thousands of samples and solution conditions can be measured within a single plate for comprehensive and non-invasive biophysical characterisation. Coupled with liquid handling robots, the product can also perform unattended for days, saving time in the lab.
Phone: 02 9684 4200
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