Bioinformatics Centre of Excellence funding announced
Monday, 20 May, 2002
Up to $20 million is to be spent setting up Tasmania's Bioinformatics Centre of Excellence, it was announced today.
The amount tops the $10 million previously earmarked for the centre, which forms part of the joint Commonwealth and Tasmanian governments' $40 million Intelligent Island program.
Intelligent Island executive director John Hayton said the interim board had now decided that an amount of up to $20 million was more appropriate to build on the island state's bioinformatics strengths.
Hayton said that while it was too early to tell specifically how the cash would be divvied up for the project, the interim board would spend the next few months devising a research and development program.
"They will be working out what will create the greatest stimulation to the sector," he said.
"They will build on the things that Tasmania has done well and look at how that can be done to get the greatest value."
A statement from Communication, Information Technology and Arts Minister Senator Richard Alston's office said the centre would position Tasmania at the forefront of research and opportunities in a rapidly expanding market.
It said that, together with other aspects of the Intelligent Island program, including a high-tech incubator, the Bioinformatics Centre of Excellence would provide real growth opportunities for the state.
Intelligent Island chairman Neville Roach said the centre would play a leading role in the implementation of the program's overall strategy.
"Our vision states that by 2010 Tasmanian ICT industries will be a leading part of the Tasmanian economy through employment growth and wealth creation," Roach said.
"The research and development centre will train and employ ICT specialists, which will significantly increase Tasmania's capabilities in this field.
"At the same time as the centre is creating unique intellectual property in ICT and adding value to work in the biotechnology area, the centre's work will be a beacon for the attraction of investment by major ICT companies in the state."
He said bioinformatics had been identified as an area of major potential growth given Tasmania's natural advantages, which included a stable population and good genealogical records.
The centre is expected to begin operations in the next six months.
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