Blood test for hay fever

Monday, 13 October, 2014

Brisbane researchers have developed a blood test that can accurately detect an allergy to Bahia grass - one of the most common causes of hay fever.

Subtropical pollen allergy expert Dr Janet Davies, from The University of Queensland School of Medicine, said grass pollen allergies are responsible for about two-thirds of Australian hay fever, with Bahia grass “a major culprit - especially in the northern states of Queensland, Western Australia, the Northern Territory and parts of New South Wales”.

Dr Davies’ research team has now isolated the allergen responsible in Bahia pollen - the Pas n 1 molecule. In collaboration with Dr Daman Langguth and his team at Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology, Dr Davies has developed and trialled what she describes as “a highly accurate and reliable test to determine if someone is susceptible to this allergen”.

“The test is about 97% accurate, which is exceptional for any lab test and makes it a highly valuable diagnostic tool,” Dr Langguth said.

Dr Davies explained that the only testing previously available was based on an extract of the pollen itself, which could contain different amounts of allergens and other proteins in each batch. She added, “The extract was also affected by the season and the way the pollen was harvested, as well as by transportation and storage.”

Not only does the test allow for a more accurate diagnosis, said Dr Langguth, “but it opens up the way for more successful treatments for people with severe hay fever for whom standard medication and pollen avoidance don’t work and for those whose asthma is affected by allergies”.


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