Neurofeedback shows promise for addressing 'chemo brain'

Friday, 09 September, 2022

Neurofeedback shows promise for addressing 'chemo brain'

Research from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has suggested that neurofeedback, or electroencephalogram (EEG) biofeedback, could help address cognitive deficits of cancer patients experiencing ‘chemo brain’ — a myriad of symptoms that could include problems with memory, concentration and organisation, as well as other symptoms like trouble sleeping and emotional difficulties.

Previous research has found that neurofeedback, in which brain waves are trained to operate in optimal frequency patterns, has helped improve cognitive function in patients with cognitive impairments like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, stroke and seizures, as well as helped regulate brain activity in patients with substance use and post-traumatic stress disorders. This study was an opportunity for seeing whether neurofeedback could be helpful with chemo brain, with the results published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine.

The study included nine female breast cancer patients who had completed chemotherapy at least one year earlier and complained of debilitating symptoms of chemo brain, which brought significant disruptions to their work and personal lives. The patients selected for the study did not have a current breast cancer diagnosis, a present or recent diagnosis of a major depressive disorder or other mental illness, or use cognitive-altering medications that might confound study results.

Before the neurofeedback training sessions began, the study participants received neurocognitive and psychological tests, as well as a quantitative EEG to measure brain wave frequencies that could be compared to normative data. The EEGs showed that each study participant had abnormal brain wave activity compared to healthy adult brains.

The study participants received a series of 18 neurofeedback sessions, scheduled for 30 minutes each over a six-week period. During these sessions, sensors were placed on the scalp and earlobe to monitor brain wave frequencies. Patients were shown a monitor displaying these frequencies in bar graphs, and they were told their goal was to increase or decrease the amplitude of specific frequency ranges to turn each bar green. They received audio and visual feedback when they successfully shifted these amplitudes.

Quantitative EEGs taken after the 18 neurofeedback sessions were completed found that brain wave frequencies had significantly normalised in seven of the nine study participants, and they had significantly improved in the other two. Neurocognitive testing conducted after the neurofeedback sessions also showed substantial improvements in the study participants’ information processing, executive set shifting and sustained visual attention. Each improved in everyday functioning and had overall psychological improvement.

Study limitations include a small sample size and lack of a control group. Another limitation was the extended window it took most study participants to undergo all 18 neurofeedback sessions. Three completed the training in the planned six-week window, while most took between seven and nine weeks. Previous research on neurofeedback has found the therapy is more effective when sessions are conducted closer together.

“Our results are more impressive given we were not able to have subjects stick to the schedule,” said study leader Professor Stephen Sideroff, who has used neurofeedback training with patients for over 20 years. He said the results were strong enough to support further research into neurofeedback for addressing chemo brain and determining the ideal protocols for conducting neurofeedback training sessions.

Image credit: ©

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