Phenosys Jet Ball rodent virtual reality system

Thursday, 26 September, 2019 | Supplied by: SciTech Pty Ltd

The Jet Ball by Phenosys is a novel virtual reality experimental system based on an air cushion-supported spherical treadmill that allows a restrained rodent to navigate in virtual space. Brain function can be examined with electrophysiological, imaging and optogenetic methods while the animal performs behavioural tasks employing navigation, cognition, learning or memory.

The platform is suitable for research on animal learning, memory, cognition and navigation, providing an environment of optimal control when investigating how animals process complex information. Furthermore, simple and complex behaviour can be explored in depth.

Applications include virtual reality navigation; electrophysiological and optogenetic methods; two-photon laser scanning microscopy; intracellular dynamics during virtual navigation; operant conditioning; learning and memory processes; intracellular dynamics and population activity of hippocampal place cells; grid cell firing fields in virtual environments; and neocortical neural coding during decisions.

The virtual reality platforms are flexible and modular solutions. Stimulation is not only visual but can be extended to 3D sound, odours and tactile information. It is easy to interface to existing hardware and software for in vivo measurements or brain stimulation such as electrophysiology set-ups.

The basic package includes a TFT Monitor Surround System 270°, Spherical Treadmill (Ball Holder, two balls), Dual XY-Motion Sensor, movable rack, computer (pre-installed: PhenoSoft Control, PhenoSoft Schedule, PhenoSoft VR, Virtual Corridor 2 m), control monitor, keyboard, computer mouse, power supply unit and pressure regulator system (compressor is not included).

Phone: 03 9480 4999
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