New online publishing system boosts access to resources
Tuesday, 02 September, 2003
In a boost for Australasian research, leading e-publisher RMIT Publishing has announced the release of a new online publishing and content management system to provide researchers with better access to a wide range of Australasian online resources currently available on its Informit Online service.
Informit Search has been created using the TeraText Database System developed by Inquirion Pty Ltd, a spin-off company of RMIT University.
Aimed at users in the education and research communities, Informit Search features a sophisticated search and retrieval interface that will meet the changing needs of users.
"Informit Search is fast, flexible and customised," said Janette Wright, Director of RMIT Publishing.
"The system will ensure users have enhanced access to more than 80 Australasian research databases and a vast array of resources available on its Informit Online service.
"User benefits include better access to full text databases, easier multi-database searching, and the ability to run SDI or current awareness searches.
"Informit Search will also provide content and metadata management, user authentication, account management and e-commerce facilities."
"For more than 10 years, RMIT Publishing has worked successfully with partners to develop innovative information products," said Ms Wright.
"We wanted to build a system that would cater for all aspects of RMIT Publishing's online publishing, and we are very pleased that Informit Search has enabled us to achieve this goal."
For more information on Informit Search, please visit
Item provided courtesy of RMIT
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