Industry News
AusMedtech 2014 business matching now open
The AusMedtech 2014 conference has re-introduced AusPartnering, a business matching and partnering platform allowing delegates to schedule 30-minute one-on-one meetings with other attendees in a dedicated meeting area. All conference attendees have access to the AusPartnering system upon registration. [ + ]
Mathematical modelling of cell cluster formations
Mathematicians at the University of Adelaide have devised a method for identifying how cell clusters have formed by analysing an image of the cluster. [ + ]
University of Melbourne and CNRS sign MoU
The University of Melbourne has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), or French National Centre for Scientific Research - the largest fundamental research organisation in Europe. [ + ]
ASTM to hold meeting on industrial biotechnology standards
ASTM International will hold an organisational meeting to explore the establishment of a new ASTM standards development activity for industrial biotechnology. [ + ]
Science met Parliament in a show of support
Bipartisan support was made for science as politicians met with researchers at the Science Meets Parliament conference. [ + ]
Turning the spotlight on breast cancer cells
Scientists are using the latest in nano-flare technology to detect breast cancer cells early on. [ + ]
STA gets TGA nod for Abraxane in pancreatic cancer
The TGA has approved the use of Abraxane - a cancer drug licensed by Specialised Therapeutics Australia - in first-line treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer. [ + ]
Bionomics' renal cancer trial finds key subgroups
Bionomics (ASX:BNO) has revealed that its BNC105 candidate improved PFS in subgroups of patients with advanced renal cancer during a phase II trial. [ + ]
Link between diabetes and pancreatic cancer
A systematic review of independent studies has found an association between pancreatic cancer and diabetes. [ + ]
An ultrasensitive test for performance-enhancing drugs
Researchers have developed a new way to detect performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), said to be 1000 times more sensitive than current methods. [ + ]
Drug testing with synthetic livers
Scientists from clinical intelligence company Empiriko have developed chemosynthetic liver technology which could enable the testing of drug candidates without using animals. [ + ]
New reference guide to agbiotech launched in Canberra
The Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia (ABCA) today launched 'The Official Australian Reference Guide to Agricultural Biotechnology and GM Crops' to provide factual information about genetically modified crops based on scientific evidence and to provide a useful reference. [ + ]
Biomedical Research Victoria
Melbourne's Bio21 Cluster has transitioned into Biomedical Research Victoria, a new statewide biomedical research group. [ + ]
Starpharma's VivaGel condoms approved in Japan
Starpharma's (ASX:SPL) marketing partner Okamoto Industries has won regulatory approval to market VivaGel-coated condoms in Japan. [ + ]
Calzada appoints new chairman
Calzada's (ASX:CZD) newest director, David Williams, has been chosen to replace Roger Aston as board chairman. [ + ]